Age at First Litter Age to be Young Sire

Age to be Young Sire in Taiwan Pedigree Registration Pigs (Generation Interval less than 459 days) (PReg Birthdate: 2023/8/17)
Birth Year
of progeny
Duroc Landrace Yorkshire
Age to be Young Sire
(260~459 Days, 20 days interval)
Less than
360 day
old, %
Less than
400 day
old, %
Less than
440 day
old, %
Age to be Young Sire
(260~459 Days, 20 days interval)
Less than
360 day
old, %
Less than
400 day
old, %
Less than
440 day
old, %
Age to be Young Sire
(260~459 Days, 20 days interval)
Less than
360 day
old, %
Less than
400 day
old, %
Less than
440 day
old, %
2020~2023 125 10 38 78 79 9 24 80 45 9 27 82
2016~2019 146 9 34 77 121 11 41 81 55 18 44 76
2012~2015 202 12 39 79 143 15 45 87 74 20 47 82
2008~2011 268 14 47 87 183 16 51 87 90 18 52 87
2004~2007 248 24 56 88 205 18 46 89 77 26 64 90
2000~2003 227 14 46 82 202 17 54 87 65 17 51 82
1996~1999 253 9 41 86 258 15 49 87 131 11 48 82
1992~1995 317 15 47 85 373 13 47 87 217 17 40 76
1988~1991 280 11 49 84 330 13 44 80 177 10 37 80