Genetic Resource View of Important Common Ancestor in the Imported Semen

¡@¡@ In this Web page, a matrix style of pedigree is used for displaying genetic resources of common ancestor in the collected imported semen of Taiwan Animal Germplasm Center of Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture. From the left side, you can pick a BULL, an IMPORTANT COMMON ANCESTOR, by registration number or Name of the Bull. In the main page, the results of that ancestor will disply in the screen by different color, pink color, in different columns. The columns are different generation of ANCESTORS, like Sire of Dam, Sire of Sire. The different rows are semen collected in the Cryobank of ANGRIN. From the pedigree matrix in the screen, the result of conserved germplasm of the "IMPORTANT COMMON ANCESTOR" can be graphicly displayed. The more rows and more columns be pink color marked, the more percentage of germplasm of the "IMPORTANT COMMON ANCESTOR" was conserved.